






Welcome to

Future House

A network state for creators

White Filled Rectangular Shape


Create at Future House

Future House is a global Network State of innovation houses in major cities. ​Future house is a place where creators across disciplines can share a space ​to ​live, work and play.

The Future House network state

The differentiator for first-world founders lie community (love & belonging), leveraged to create esteem and self-actualization.

Future House is a group of founders aligned on the common goal of self-actualization, congregating over a network state of likeminded ​individuals.

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& Belonging

Safety Needs


- desire to become to become the most that one can be

- respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, ​freedom

- friendship, intimacy, family, sense of connection

- personal security, employment, resources, ​health, property

- air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, ​reproduction

Physical Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy provides a model of the foundations necessary for renaissance-level creation.

The future of work

In a future where we can work location independent in a digital economy, human movement for those with access to ​remote work has rapidly decentralized.

Founders with location freedom can go where we want, and work when we get there.

Future House Headquarters - where think tank workshops ​are​ hosted, and drinks nights usually start or end at.

The futuristic-looking Boathouse - a floating Web 3 hub on water.

Founding Member Benefits

2 adults | 1 child below 7

Future House Hong Kong

from HKD$450 a night

2 adults | 1 child below 7

Boathouse Hong Kong

Full boat rental from $3500 a day

Day Pass for members $200 a day

Modern Bedroom Suite 3D Render

4 adults | 2 children below 7

Future House Bangkok

from HKD$350 a night


powered by BoatDAO

The futuristic-looking Boathouse - a floating Web 3 ​hub on water - fully decked out for living with 5 ​bedrooms (including master bedroom with ensuite), ​multiple bathrooms, a mezzanine-style kitchen, and two ​outdoor lounge areas.

Welcome to the Future of Housing and cowork!

Cr​eator’s Lounge, the common area of BoatHouse on the water.

En​suite master bedroom with double wash basins.

Ma​ster Bedroom for overnight staycations - for leisure and productivity.

Op​en-style mezzanine pantry.

Bi​rd’s eye view of fully equipped pantry.

Me​zzanine staircase to rooftop lounge.

Ou​tdoor patio and lounge.

Be​low-decks TV lounge, leading to bedrooms.

An intriguing caption that describes the room goes here. ​Use a flattering photo, then describe away!

Future House ​Headquarters

Future House HQ is where the action happens - where ​ideas are born, and rapidly shipped into product.

Future House HQ is a productivity hub for execution, ​education, and community.

A 3-room office suite with shower & rest facilities.

Next door (10 seconds walking) to Soho House Hong Kong

An intriguing caption that describes the room goes here.

Use a flattering photo, then describe away!

A nostalgic photo - early days of Future House.

Future Studios is a video podcasting and ideation-ready ​workspace, designed to enable founders to ship product ​and generate content around their ideas.

En​trance to Future House Hong Kong HQ

Fu​ture House Content Studio (mockup)

Op​en pantry for endurance work sprints.

Rest space i​nside Future House HQ (there are two rest spaces).

Fu​ture House Roof Lounge (temporarily closed)

Future House Ro​of Lounge (temporarily closed)

Future House in person

Member’s Nights

Monthly, member’s only meetups for the ​Future House Think Tank - our executive ​meeting for taskforce distribution on ​network state.

Members can invite +1's

Boathouse Events

Boathouse is a network state physical perk ​for Future House Founding Members.

It provides a place to staycate, hang out and ​work remote, floating on the water in ​Victoria Harbor.

Office Hours

Future Fridays 2-6PM

is when members regularly spend time at ​Future House.

We usually move on to drinks next door at ​Soho House, or in cool new hangouts in the ​area.

Member’s Comments

Quotation Mark

Great things are born of hacker houses. ​Alibaba was started by Jack Ma, when he ​was living with 18 other Chinese ​professionals in a shared house.

Max Song

Quotation Mark

Invest in people, not ideas.

Find your PEOPLE,

gather in PLACES

and do your THING.


Michael Chan

Quotation Mark

Fridays for the Future.

Friend-filled future.

In ConscienceLand.


Philip McMaster

Future House

Ho​ng Kong HQ


31 Des Voeux Road West

S​heung Wan, Hong Kong

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Te​legram: @mcmahone

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Office Hours


2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

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We actually use Warpcast.

A​dd us!

Future House - enabling the future of living

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& Belonging

- Self-actualization

desire to become to become the most that one can be

- Esteem

respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, ​strength, freedom

- Love & Belonging

friendship, intimacy, family, sense of ​connection

- Safety Needs

personal security, employment, resources, ​health, property

Safety Needs

- Physical Needs

air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, ​reproduction

Physical Needs